Wednesday, June 15, 2011

If I Ruled The World.

As with a lot of my posts, this is something I've been thinking about for a very long time. This one longer than most actually. Since about middle school I guess. I have been a very opinionated person for most of my life. I occasionally have issues with authority and have never taken kindly to 'stupid' rules. When I was in eighth grade I had a friend tell me at an end of a rant against a stupid rule that I should become a politician. I honestly don't think most anyone would vote for me and you might see why in this post.

Now I know these opinions of mine are unrealistic to some. I know most of them may never happen in my lifetime or just be filled with too much controversy. Let's just pretend this is an imaginary world where I've been made ruler and anything and everything I want to happen can come to pass. These are the changes I'd make:

1. Gay Marriage.

Either everyone can get married, or no-one can.
The whole marriage equality debate is some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard. I base my choice on something a politician in NH tried to pass a while ago. They were trying to make it so every married couple in NH would be reverted to a Domestic Partnership which would also be legal for gay couples. If the 'Domestic Partners' were to leave the state, it would still count as marriage in whatever state. This move captured my imagination.

2. Legalization of Weed and Prostitution.

"Sellings legal, fuckings legal. So why isn't selling fucking legal!" - George Carlin

I will never understand how anyone can't see how much better things would be if we made these things legal. We can buy porn, sex toys, lube. You can buy a strip tease or a dance from a webcam model. You can buy a pair of used panties from a chick online. But the purchasing of a sexual favour from another willing, grown, human-being? WRONG. What is wrong with this world!

I know a lot of the reason is religious, put those aside for now. What is so special about sex? Alright I get it, your supposed to have babies, yeah shut up. 'Sex is about love'. Fuck you. I love sex, not to sound like a slut but I've had a fair amount. Not all sex is will people you love. And even when your with someone you love, not every sex act is done out of love.

You make prostitution legal, you can tax it, you can keep track of it. You can mandate STD testing. Open up jobs.

A lot of these same things apply to weed but I do want to make a point. A lot of people assume if you want to make weed legal, your a stoner yourself. I do not smoke weed. I have in the past but it's not my thing. I am not one of the lucky people who can handle it. I smoke it and I pass the fuck out. But other people can and it's not as bad as alcohol to me.

And may i point out a couple interesting facts? Peanuts kill more people in the US than weed ever has. You can smoke weed for an hour straight, you wont die. Drink water for an hour straight, you'll probably die.

3. Birth control and testing.

You hit puberty, you get birth control. Everyone. Even if you don't want to have sex. Too bad. Also everyone get tested for STD's regularly so the second someone is infected they get immediate treatment and lessens the chances of spreading it. Same for Pap-smears and other cancer screenings. Also EVERYONE gets the HPV-vaccine. EVERYONE.

4. Parent licensing.

This kinda goes with the birth control thing. I am tired of horrible parents getting away with having kids. I am also tired of the world being more and more overpopulated and people still popping out babies left and right like its no big deal. Not to hate on any of my friends who have and are having kids, but I don't feel happy when another friend says their pregnant. It fills me with some dread. I feel even worse when friends try to get pregnant.

It's even more unfair that to adopt or foster children you have to go through so many steps and licensing but anyone with working reproductive systems can pop one out and it's fine.

I think everyone should be licensed and tested before they can have a child. I also want to take it one step further. If you do past the test this doesn't mean you can just get pregnant and have your own, this only allows you to adopt. If you want to have your own you need to go through and additional test. Theres leeway if you adopt kids first though and can prove your a good parent through those kids.

Also of course gay adoption is 100 percent fine.

5. Religious institutions don't get special treatment.

You don't get less punishment when you commit a crime as a religious institution. You will be taxed, and you don't get away with things because it's part of your belief system.

6. Freedom from religion.

'Nuff said.

7. Price Freeze.

I'm not an expert on this but to me a simple way to help the economy out would be just to freeze all the prices for a while until things are more evened out. Most things that are made in factories cost a few cents to make and by the time they get to retailers the prices have exploded whether out of need or out of greed. Just keep the prices low for awhile. Seems simple to me...

Guess that's it for now. As I said At the top I know most of these are unrealistic. I also know there are other things wrong in the world i didn't "fix" with this post. Maybe they'll be a part 2? Also if anyone else wants to say what they'd do if they ruled the world, feel free!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thoughts about morality.

I've been thinking about this on and off for awhile now and I thought I'd type it out.

This is something that has been written about a lot, and I know there are studies about this but I want to look at it from my point of view. People think you get your morals and your values from religion. This confuses me. Mainly because of my boyfriend.

My boyfriend is an atheist. He has never been arrested, was never suspended in school, never had a detention, never even skipped. He doesn't smoke, he barely drinks, has never gotten high. He has a good job, he's graduating college, owns his own car. He is such a good guy and has never believed in god a far as I know. Why is he so good?

Now someone might say "Well maybe his parents are religious so they passed on their morals to him." As far as I am aware, on his fathers side atheism goes back to his grandfather. His mother is also nonreligious. I just don't get it. People are so weird.