Friday, July 23, 2010

Bisexual first.

My first Bisexual experience is no an original one. I have heard many stories along these same lines. I was in first grade. My best friend at the time was sleeping over. We were on the fold out bed from the couch in my living room. We had been watching a movie, she fell asleep first.

I crawled over to her on the bed and stared down at her face. She looked beautiful to me. I moved some of her hair out of her face and had the overwhelming desire to kiss her. I fought it off and finally went to sleep.

It might sound strange to some though, having such urges in first grade. I would argue that we are all sexual beings whether we realize it or not, and we pop out the womb with all the parts to have sex. Its just a matter of time and place as to when we use these parts. I started having sex at 14. My current boyfriend didn't start having sex until 24 (sorry hun!).

Who knows though, maybe I'm just a weirdo...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Thought process: Religion and Abortion.

I've been reading a lot of religious, and Atheist material lately and I wanted to share a thought process I had which is going to take away from the 'Tri-Bi' experience for a bit.

Most antiabortion people are religious. Some of these people who claim it is wrong claim so because your killing an 'innocent child'. Let's put aside the child part and concentrate on 'innocence' shall we? By my observation, there is no such thing as innocence in most christian denominations.

Example one: Sin's of the father.
According to some of the things I read, you carry down the sins of your ancestors down the line. Meaning if your great great grandfather was a murdering psychopath, your eternal souls been marred and you need to constantly pray for forgiveness in the eyes of the lord. Even if you somehow never sin during your own lifetime. Wouldn't this then mean any fetus resulting of this psychopath in any stage of the pregnancy be carrying his sins? There fore, not innocent?

Example two: Rape and Incest.
I also believe I've read somewhere that a child born of rape and/or incest is automatically born into sin. Yet there are people out there who believe aborting even in those instances is wrong. Not to sound repetitious, but if being born of rape/incest= being born of sin, how is the 'baby' still innocent?

And finally, Example three: Original Sin
Do I really need to say more about this one?

This was merely a thought process I had that I felt I should get out there. I'm sure there are plenty of religious people out there who would be able to contest this somehow. I just simply don't see the mere excuse of (once again) it's an 'innocent child', anywhere near an efficient enough argument for me.

I probably should have cited the articles, books, scriptures, and what have you. My internet is very limited right now and when I saw it was working I jumped at the opportunity to write this. I will try to post my sources at a later date.....

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bi-Racial: Full 'circle'

(I've decided I'm no longer going to number the parts. I don't know how many parts this will take and I'm still figuring out the lay out of things. From now on I'm just going to name the subject and a title.)

*me, my brother, and my sister (I look fat...)*>>

My father has three siblings. Two of his siblings have the same mother and a different father. the third 'sibling' has the same father as the two siblings and a different mother. I have two siblings. My brother and I have the same parents, my sister is from my dad and his first wife. Half siblings run rampant in my family.

This is another thing in my life I never thought much about. But later on when you have conversations about your family at school, or work, or with the family of your significant other, thins can get hairy.

When I tell a story of my sister disobeying my mom and they respond with the line; 'well she brought her into this world, she can take her out right?' having to be like 'well actually....'

Or, starting a story with 'my sisters mother' and getting looks or people demanding an explanation.

Another funny thing about this is if I mention one of my siblings have a different mother and don't say which one, and they see my siblings pictures or see them in real life (not a lot of people have met my sister.) They guess the wrong one.

My sister and I both have thick dark hair, dark narrow eyes. Big smiles that our eyes disappear in. Different from me she has light freckled skin. My brother on the other hand has blonde, curly hair, hazel eyes, and a different skin tone.

It's interesting...