Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bi-Racial: Full 'circle'

(I've decided I'm no longer going to number the parts. I don't know how many parts this will take and I'm still figuring out the lay out of things. From now on I'm just going to name the subject and a title.)

*me, my brother, and my sister (I look fat...)*>>

My father has three siblings. Two of his siblings have the same mother and a different father. the third 'sibling' has the same father as the two siblings and a different mother. I have two siblings. My brother and I have the same parents, my sister is from my dad and his first wife. Half siblings run rampant in my family.

This is another thing in my life I never thought much about. But later on when you have conversations about your family at school, or work, or with the family of your significant other, thins can get hairy.

When I tell a story of my sister disobeying my mom and they respond with the line; 'well she brought her into this world, she can take her out right?' having to be like 'well actually....'

Or, starting a story with 'my sisters mother' and getting looks or people demanding an explanation.

Another funny thing about this is if I mention one of my siblings have a different mother and don't say which one, and they see my siblings pictures or see them in real life (not a lot of people have met my sister.) They guess the wrong one.

My sister and I both have thick dark hair, dark narrow eyes. Big smiles that our eyes disappear in. Different from me she has light freckled skin. My brother on the other hand has blonde, curly hair, hazel eyes, and a different skin tone.

It's interesting...

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